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Oblivion Vampire Console Command

  1. Oblivion Vampire Console Command Guide
  2. Oblivion Vampire Cure Potion Id

Skyrim Console Commands are an essential tool that players use to enter cheats into the game. To enter Skyrim cheats into the PC Commands Console, hit (or the key above Tab) to bring up the. May 06, 2018  There are a few simple ways to quicken the process without the console - Live Another Life has Two Vampire starts(one that starts you off randomly in one of the Vampire dungeons, and one for Dawnguard, where you start in Volkihar Keep after becoming a Vampire Lord), the Start Game - Monsters mod gives a one time use power that makes your character a Vampire, and Skyrim Unbound. Find below a searchable list of all Skyrim cheats, also known as commands, for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on PC and Mac (Steam). To open the console in Skyrim, press the ` key (grave) or key (tilde). To send commands, simply type them into the console and hit ENTER.For more help opening and using the console, see our Skyrim console guide. Some commands in Skyrim require a target - in our. Type 'player.additem 977E4 1' in the console if you gained Vampirism from a vampire. It will give you a potion to cure it. If you got Vampirism from the console then type: 'Set PCVampire to 0' Then followed by: 'Set vampire.hasdisease to 0' Hope it helps! Nov 01, 2016  How to Become a Vampire in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. If you want to become a vampire in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Remastered, follow a few simple but dangerous steps. How to Become a Vampire Using Console Commands. To become a vampire, simply open up the Command Window by pressing the tilde key (the key that looks like ), and then type in.

Nov 14, 2016

A detailed guide on becoming a Creature of the Shadows as well as what abilities vampirism grants your character.

Vampire Distinction

It is important to note that there are two types of Vampires in Skyrim. The Vanilla base game common Vampires and the Dawnguard pure blooded Vampire Lords.


Although both Vampires and Vampire Lords have roughly the same abilities and appearance, Vampire Lords are more stronger and have the ability to transform into a Vampire Lord as well as access blood magic in that form.

Becoming a Vampire

Oblivion Vampire Console Command Guide

There are multiple ways of becoming a vampire, and different ways for both types of Common and Pure-blood Vampire.
Upon becoming a vampire the character will have blood orange glowing eyes as well as a gaunt face and pale skin, your character will also be commented on by NPC's such as 'Your eyes have a hunger to them' or 'my god, your as pale as the snow!'.

Common Vampire (Vanilla)

To become a common vampire of Skyrim, your character must find a vampire enemy, they can be found in caves such as Broken Fang Cave and Movarth's Lair etc.
You character must contract 'Sanguinare Vampiris' by being attacked by a common vampire in battle. Killing a vampire will make you lose the chance to become a vampire unless you encounter another. Once you have contracted the disease you must wait three in-game days as your disease progresses eventually turning you into a vampire.

Pure Blood Vampire (Dawnguard)

To become a Pure Blood Vampire your character must be bitten by another pure-blooded vampire, fortunately this is easily abtainable early on during the Dawnguard Questline.
For those who don't want to be spoiled for the Dawnguard Questline, you will come across a point where you will be asked if you want to be turned into a pure-blooded vampire or be banished. Obviously you'd choose to become a vampire.



  • You can still become a pure-blooded vampire even if you are a common vampire, the blood of a pure vampire overrides the common vampire blood, but not vice versa.
  • You cannot become a common vampire if you are a werewolf, however, if you want to become a vampire while a werewolf you have to be bitten by a pure-blooded vampire (Serana or Harkon).
  • If you have completed the Dawnguard Questline and killed Harkon, there is the option to cure Serana, if you cure her then your character will never become a pure-blood vampire ever again.


Being a vampire in oblivion

Powers and Abilities as a Common Vampire

Vampires have certain powers and abilties which can grow stronger the longer you don't feed on blood, however, the more powerful you get the more Skyrim's citizens are untrustworthy of you.
There are four stages to Vampirism, all vampires start at Stage 1 and every time they feed they will revert back to stage 1, if the vampire doesn't feed after a day they progress to stage 2, not feeding for another day will progress to stage 3, and finally not feeding for four days will progress to stage 4. As the stages progress people will not wish to talk with you, as at Stage 4, your vampiric appearance is seen by all and so most people will not even talk to you.
Vampires have a few base effects:

  • Weakness to Sunlight - under the Sunlight your vampire blood boils and for whenever you remain under the sun, your health, stamina, magicka will not regenerate and you move slightly slower.
  • Resist Disease and Poison - vampiric blood grants 100% resistance to diseases and poisons.
  • Nightstalker's Footsteps - 25% harder to detect while sneaking.
  • Champion of the Night - Illusion spells are 25% more powerful.

Spells and Powers:

  • Vampiric Drain (Spell) - Drains 2 points of enemy health per second (3 points at Stage 2, 4 points at Stage 3, and 5 points at Stage 4).
  • Vampire's Servant (Power) - Once a day resurrect dead body up to Level 6 for 60 seconds (Level 13 at Stage 2, Level 21 at Stage 3, and Level 30 at Stage 4).
  • Vampire's Sight (Power) - grants Night Vision for 60 seconds, can be used multiple times a day.
  • Vampire's Seduction (Power) - Calms creatures and people up to Level 10 for 30 seconds (Recieved at Stage 2).
  • Embrace of Shadows (Power) - Become invisible and have night vision for 180 seconds (Recieved at Stage 4).

Active Effects:

  • Resist Frost - 20% Resistance to Frost (30% at Stage 2, 40% at Stage 3, and 50% at Stage 4).
  • Weakness to Fire - 20% Weakness to Fire (30% at Stage 2, 40% at Stage 3, and 50% at Stage 4).
  • Vampiric Strength - Deal 5 more points of unarmed damage (10 points at Stage 2, 15 points at Stage 3, and 20 points at Stage 4).



Vampires must feed to retain their blood thirst and to revert back to Stage 1 of Vampirism so their vampiric nature is not revealed to the world.
Vampires can feed by sneaking by a sleeping human and select them to which two options pop up 'Feed' or 'Pickpocket ______' selecting feed enacts an animation where your character bends over the person on the bed and bite into their neck, the screen will go red and then they will go back to sneaking.
Vampires are Stage 2 can also use Vampire's Seduction to feed, using it on someone awake and standing they will be calm and then selecting them and selecting 'Feed' will enact an animation where they will move the persons head to side revealing the neck and bite into it, the screen also goes red and then the vampire will retreat back to their spot.

Powers and Abilities as a Pure-Blood Vampire

Pure-Blooded Vampires aka Vampire Lords, have all the same powers and abilities as the Common Vampire, with the added ability to transform into a Vampire Lord in which within the form has it's own Spells and Abilities that can be upgraded within the Vampire Skill Tree through the use of Feedings in the Vampire Lord form.

Hovering Mode

After transforming into the Vampire Lord form, the vampire lord will hover just above the ground with blood magic making them levitate and they will hold up thier arms holding two spells: Drain Life and Raise Dead.
Drain Life is the spell on the right hand that is there by default and cannot be changed. It acts the same as Vampiric Drain but as a explosive projectile, it is the primary way to feed within the vampire lord form and recieve perk points in the vampire skill tree.
In the left hand there can be a variety of spells, switched between each other in the favourites menu:

  • Raise Dead (default spell) - Raise a dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds.
  • Vampiric Grip - Telekinetically grip people and hold them in front of you while you drain their life, letting go throws them (Acquired from 'Vampiric Grip' perk).
  • Summon Gargoyle - Summon a Gargoyle to fight in battle for 60 seconds (Acquired from 'Summon Gargyole' perk).
  • Corpse Curse - Paralyze those who fail to resist for 10 seconds (Acquired from 'Corpse Curse' perk).

In the Vampire Lord form, vampires can activate their powers dubbed 'Night Powers':

  • Bats (default) - teleport a few feet forwards where you're looking disappearing and reappearing as a swarm of bats.
  • Vampire Sight (default) - grant Night Vision for 60 seconds.
  • Detect All Creatures - Detects the life of others as well as the dead (Acquired from 'Detect All Creatures' perk).
  • Mist Form - become an invulnerable cloud of mist for 23 seconds regenerating Health, Stamina and Magicka.
  • Supernatural Reflexes - slow time for 23 seconds for everyone but you.
  • Night Cloak - Bats circle the vampire lord in combat as enemies who get within melee range get damaged overtime (active during hovering and walking).



Within the Vampire Lord form, the vampire lord can decend to the ground and attack with their claws. The claws can be deadlier with the use of the 'Poison Talons' perk.

Feeding as a Vampire Lord

Feeding in Vampire Lord is different to the normal vampire form, feeding more and more grants a perk point to be used in the Vampire Skill Tree, feeding can be done by killing a being with Drain Life spell or a power attack bite in which happens while walking and randomly when attacking a human with low health the vampire lord will grab the human and bite their neck.

Revert Form

Unlike Werewolves, Vampire Lords can stay in their vampire lord form for as long as they like and can use the 'Revert Form' ability to transform back to their normal vampire form.

Vampire Skill Tree (Vampire Lord Only)

Within the Vampire Lord, vampires can access their Vampire Skill Tree in which they can use perk points to upgrade their powers and abilities.



  • Power of the Grave (base perk) - 50 point bonus to health, magicka, and stamina as a Vampire Lord.
  • Detect all Creatures - gain the 'Detect All Creatures' Night Power (Requires Power of the Grave).
  • Mist Form - gain the 'Mist Form' Night Power (Requires Detect all Creatures).
  • Supernatural Reflexes - gain the 'Supernatural Reflexes' Night Power (Requires Mist Form).
  • Unearthly Will - Night Powers and Blood Magic cost 33% less (Requires Power of the Grave).
  • Poison Talons - Melee attacks do 20 points of poison damage (Requires Blood Healing or Unearthly Will).
  • Night Cloak - gain the 'Night Cloak' Night Power (Requires Poison Talons).
  • Blood Healing - Killing a person with a power attack restores all health (Requires Power of the Grave).
  • Vampiric Grip - grants 'Vampiric Grip' spell (Requires Power of the Grave).
  • Summon Gargoyle - grants 'Summon Gargoyle' spell (Requires Vampiric Grip).
  • Corpse Curse - grants 'Corpse Curse' spell (Requires Summon Gargoyle).


Amulets of Night Power and Rings of Blood Magic

Through the Dawnguard expansion's Vampire side, your character can recieve two radiant quests from Feran Sadri, 'Amulets of Night Power' and 'Rings of Blood Magic' to which you will be rewarded two Amulets and two Rings that can affect your vampiric abilities in Vampire Lord form if you wear them just before transforming.

Amulets of Night Power


  • Amulet of Bats - increase the strength of the 'Night Cloak' ability and can knockback enemies in the way while using 'Bats'.
  • Amulet of the Gargoyle - Summon an additional Gargoyle to the one you summoned for fight for 60 seconds.


Rings of Blood Magic


  • Ring of the Beast - grants additional 100 extra health points and 20 more points of unarmed damage, these effects are both in Vampire form and Vampire Lord form.
  • Ring of Erudite - grants additional 100 extra magicka points and increases magicka regeneration, just like the Ring of the Beast, these effects are both in vampire form and vampire lord form.


Curing Vampirism

Curing Vampirism is the same way for both Common Vampires and Pure-Blood Vampires.

Rising At Dawn Quest

Talking to inn keepers and asking for rumours reveal that a wizard named 'Falion' in Morthal is studying Vampirism, when visiting him your character can ask if they can be cured and Falion offers to cure them if they can give Falion a filled Black Soul gem.
Once given a Black Soul gem Falion will ask to meet at an unmarked location called the 'Summoning Stones', when there your character has to stand in the middle of the summoning stones while Falion does a ritual, the screen will go black and once the screen comes back Falion will notify that their Vampirism is cured.



Oblivion Vampire Cure Potion Id

  • Turning into a Werewolf even if you are a Pure-blood Vampire replaces your vampiric blood with beast blood, effectively curing your Vampirism. If you do not know how to, check out the guide on Lycanthropy in Skyrim.


Console Commands

Opening up the console with the tilde '`' key located left of the number 1 key on the keyboard and typing in 'setstage 000EAFD5 10' or using the 'showracemenu' command and switch between the races and back to your characters original race, as well as the 'changesex' command cures vampirism.
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Este artigo é sobre the disease Vampirism, in particular the effects it has on the player. Para NPCs who are vampires, veja Vampire.

Facial image of a Vampire

In Oblivion, vampires are people infected with Porphyric Hemophilia, an unusual disease. You can become a vampire—either by choice or by accident—and can subsequently be cured. In addition, vampiric NPCs will be encountered, both friendly and hostile.

  • 1Effects of Vampirism
  • 2Stages of Vampirism
    • 2.7Console Commands of Use

Effects of Vampirism

Unlike previous Elder Scrolls games, you can pass as a living mortal; citizens and the Imperial Guard will not attack you on sight if you are known to be a vampire. Yet, also unlike previous Elder Scrolls games, there are only two quests relating to your vampirism, one in which you become a vampire and another in which you obtain the cure for vampirism. There are also no vampire clans that you can join, nor can you associate with or avoid being attacked by vampire antagonists. However, you can perform The Order of the Virtuous Blood quest while you are a vampire.


Regardless of your level of vampirism, you acquire 100% disease resistance and 100% resistance to paralysis. The other advantages and liabilities of vampirism vary depending on how long it has been since the last time you fed on another humanoid.

Time Since Last Feeding Vampirism
Skill Bonus
to Fire
Resist Normal
Sunlight Damage
Ability Gained
0-24 hours (first day) 25% +5 20 % 5 % 0 Hunter's Sight
24-48 hours (second day) 50% +10 30 % 10 % 1 Vampire's Seduction
48-72 hours (third day) 75% +15 40 % 15 % 4 Reign of Terror
72+ hours (fourth day onwards) 100% +20 50 % 20 % 8 Embrace of Shadows
Skills that gain a bonus: Attributes that gain a bonus:

Unlike most skill boosts, these skill increases are implemented as abilities and therefore they increase the base value of your skills. One effect is that you gain skill perks, such as the ability to cast more powerful spells. See the section on skill boost abilities for other advantages.

The abilities gained are:

  • Hunter's Sight (Lesser Power, FormID 0003BEDA) - Night Eye for 30 secs on Self, Detect Life 100 ft for 30 secs on Self. Costs 5 Magicka; can be used repeatedly.
  • Vampire's Seduction (Greater Power, FormID 0003BED9) - Charm 50 pts for 20 secs on Touch, once per day. This skill can be used to bypass the huge disposition penalty that comes with being a high level vampire.
  • Reign of Terror (Greater Power, FormID 0003BEDC) - Silence 20ft for 60 secs, Demoralize up to lvl 6 for 60 secs on Touch, once per day.
  • Embrace of Shadows (Greater Power, FormID 0003BEDB) - Night Eye for 90 secs on Self, Invisibility for 180 secs on Self, once per day.


A Redguard NPC with a lightened complexion
  • Sun damage is the most obvious disadvantage of being a vampire. At 50% vampirism and higher, you will continually take damage whenever you are outside during the day (6:00 am to 8:00 pm).
    • The amount of damage increases at higher levels of vampirism.
    • To prevent sun damage, you need to return to 25% vampirism by feeding; as long as you do not sleep (or wait/rest) after feeding you will remain at 25% vampirism and be able to travel safely.
    • The level of damage depends upon how bright it is outside; damage reaches its peak of twice the base magnitude at midday.
    • Cloud cover reduces the damage you take from sunlight, but does not eliminate it. Being underwater has a similar effect.
    • There is no sun in any of Mehrunes Dagon's Planes of Oblivion, therefore vampires do not suffer from any sun damage while in Oblivion. The unique weather that appears in the Planes of Oblivion also manifests outside the Oblivion gates, so proximity to a gate also results in no sun damage, although it takes a few seconds for the weather to change. However, you should take caution in Oblivion planes as many enemies will use fire attacks and there are numerous fire obstacles.
  • Whenever you are taking sun damage, you are unable to Fast Travel.
    • Fast Travel is only possible if it is initiated during the night time, when no sun damage is being taken. You will not receive damage from travel that is done during the day when using fast travel. However, if you arrive somewhere during the day, you will begin taking damage.
    • You can fast travel during the day from any of the houses that you own, except the one in Anvil.
  • You cannot wait outside during the day. At night you can use the wait function, but you must stop waiting before sunrise if you are outside. If your character continues waiting while exposed to sunlight, your character will take damage and will eventually die.
  • Your appearance will change significantly, and will remain so until you are cured. Your character will age by about twenty years, acquiring a wrinkled and pale complexion. If your character has an unusual skin color, this may be changed radically. Others will notice and comment on your appearance if you allow yourself to go beyond 25% vampirism. Your eyes will become a pale red color. You may also lose your eyebrows and facial hair. When you are a full vampire, people may refuse to speak to you, citing your obvious vampirism. This can be countered by raising the NPC's disposition to at least 100, for example using Vampire's Seduction.
  • Guards may refuse to accept yields at the fourth stage of vampirism, forcing you to run away or fight them to the death.

Stages of Vampirism

Becoming a Vampire

There are three ways to become a vampire in Oblivion, which are detailed below. You can only become a vampire once: if you become a full vampire and are then cured, you cannot become a vampire again.

Oblivion console commands vampire dust

Vicente Valtieri during 'Darkness Eternal'
  • Complete all the contracts given to you by senior Dark Brotherhood member Vicente Valtieri, and he will offer you the gift of vampirism (available through Darkness Eternal).
  • In the Mehrunes' Razoradd-on, eating the Beating Heart taken from Msirae Faythung will infect you with Cannibal's Prion and Porphyric Hemophilia. Be sure to let the vampirism take hold first before you use Cure Disease to get rid of the Cannibal's Prion. You can also use the Beating Heart to make a Potion of Porphyric Hemophilia, if your Alchemy skill is 100.
  • Contract Porphyric Hemophilia from a vampire during combat. Each time you are struck with a vampire's melee attack, you run the risk of contracting the disease. Locations where vampires may be encountered are listed at Vampire Dungeons. If you are subsequently unable or unwilling to cure the disease, you will eventually become a vampire, as detailed below.
    • Resist Disease effects - even if at 100% or higher - will not decrease the chance of your character catching Porphyric Hemophilia. This is not a bug; rather, it is a feature - one introduced in the 1.1.511 patch, possibly so that Vicente Valtieri would be able to give you vampirism in Darkness Eternal.

Once initially contracted, Porphyric Hemophilia will not take effect until three days have passed, at which point sleeping will trigger the full change into a vampire.

  • After your first rest/night of sleep (72 or more hours after contracting the disease) you will have strange dreams/visions. You will obtain some vampire skills.
  • At least a day after your first rest, a second rest/night of sleep will cause more strange dreams/visions, and you obtain some more vampire skills.
  • At least a day after your second rest, a third rest/night of sleep will cause even more strange dreams/visions, you obtain all vampire skills, and you become a full vampire and highly vulnerable to daylight.

Note that at least for the first night of sleep, if you are also due to level up, sleeping will only trigger vampire skills. A second nap will be necessary to increase your level and increase your attributes.

Preventing Vampirism

For the first 72 hours after being infected with Porphyric Hemophilia, the condition is subject to the rules which govern any other disease, and can be cured in the same fashion. If you become infected and do not wish to become a vampire, you must drink a potion, eat an ingredient (e.g. Mandrake Root or Shepherd's Pie), or cast a spell which cures disease. Alternatively, you could go to the nearest temple and receive a blessing at the chapel altar. If you do not cure the disease within three days, however, you can no longer be cured. At that point, the only way to prevent becoming a vampire is to avoid sleeping for as long as possible.


Vampire feeding on a sleeping target
Rona Hassildor in her coma

In order to feed, a sleeping humanoid must be found. Feeding on an awake, stunned, paralyzed or dead person is not possible. To feed, simply 'activate' the person. Doing so while not sneaking will give a choice between feeding and talking; doing so while sneaking gives a choice between feeding and pickpocketing.

If someone else witnesses a feeding, it will be reported as a crime with a bounty of 40 gold (it is treated as an assault). Being caught by someone else while feeding also wakes up the victim. Feeding does not kill or harm the person, and they are not turned into vampires. One thing to keep in mind is that NPCs will not be awoken by your presence if you are not trespassing. Public areas such as guild halls are a great place to feed because you can simply walk in without fear of being chased away. Being stealthy while feeding will rarely result in the humanoid waking up, with the exception of Imperial Guards. Guards seem to often be woken up to the feeding and attempt to arrest you as a result. Guards can be avoided as they offer no special feeding bonuses; feeding on any humanoid will garner the same results.

Do note, however, that feeding on other vampires is impossible. Attempting to feed on another vampire will not get a feeding dialog box, but instead the vampire will simply react as though feeding was never attempted. They will wake up for conversation if you are not sneaking, or you will enter the pickpocketing screen if you are sneaking.

Some easy ways to feed are:

  • Preying upon one of the beggars that go to sleep around the towns at night. They often sleep in hidden places and guards don't usually go near them. Also, you don't need to break into anywhere.
  • Feeding on fellow guild members, especially in the Mages Guild which exists in every city. The Fighters Guild works less well, because the porters follow you around. Dark Brotherhood members do not care if you feed on other members.
  • While Cloud Ruler Temple is an option, this is not recommended as the Blades all sleep in the same area.
  • Inns are another source of sleeping people.
  • Break into a house and feed on the owner. This has some risks: some people do not spend the whole night in their home, or the owner might be awake and report you to the guards for trespassing. (However, the risk of being caught breaking into houses can be reduced through use of the 100% Chameleon bug.)
  • Churches - although seemingly unlikely - are great places to feed. Every city has them, and the church members routinely go to sleep at the same time in every church.
  • If you own Rosethorn Hall and have the Servants Quarters, you can feed on Eyja.
  • If you have the Vile Lairofficial plug-in installed, feed on the sleeping prisoner in Deepscorn Hollow.
  • The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal can be worn when feeding; the assault is then attributed to the Gray Fox rather than to you if you are caught.
  • Arkved at his tower is always asleep, no matter what. He is part of the bandit faction, so it will not be considered a crime.

Advancing Through Stages of Vampirism

While you are a vampire, you are always at least at 25% vampirism. To see this, you can open your Journal, select the Spells/Abilities section and then select the far right Active Effects tab. There should be an effect labeled Vampirism and its number should be at a minimum of 25.

You advance through the stages of vampirism during sleep or waiting. After 24 hours without feeding, you will advance another 25% in vampirism the next time that you sleep/wait. You need to sleep or wait to trigger the advancement - the fundamental passing of time is not enough. Note however, that you do not have to pass time in order to trigger the advancement. In other words, if ≥24 hours have passed since your last feeding, you can just start the wait and cancel it immediately.

The effect of spending long periods of time without feeding, waiting or sleeping has its downsides. Even if you feed, the next time you sleep or wait you will still advance in vampirism (as if your advancements in vampirism were queued-up). This game of catch-up does not seem to last very long, however. In theory, if you were to stay awake a month or just a week and not feed, the catch-up time would be the same either way. In any case, you can simply counter this problem by repeatedly feeding on the same person several times consecutively until you're clear again.

As you progress through the stages of vampirism, you become more and more light-sensitive. You will notice that light glares more and more, especially when there is a great deal of light around you. At night or in the dark, this can actually help you to see things better if you have a video card with the supported shaders. However during the day this can make it difficult to see the details of anything except when underwater.

Note: After reaching 100% vampirism (not drinking blood for 72+ hours and then sleeping), you will still revert back to 25% vampire if you drink blood. You will lose the abilities granted by full vampirism but retain the abilities of one being 25%. You will lose a considerable Strength bonus, so exercise caution if you are close to your maximum encumbrance limit. This cycle can be repeated as often as necessary.

Curing Vampirism

In the base game, curing vampirism involves a lengthy quest. Once cured, it is not normally possible to become a vampire again (except via console commands), even though Melisande says that her services will be available if needed in the future. You still can contract 'Porphyric Hemophilia' normally after that, but it behaves just like any normal disease then - drain fatigue 5 until cured, without any special effects from sleeping.

The Vile Lairofficial plug-in has a Font of Renewal that can cure vampirism much more easily than going through the Vampire Cure quest. Just like with the standard vampire cure, you cannot become a vampire again after using the Font to cure your vampirism.

Becoming a Vampire Again (After Being Cured)

Although it is still possible to contract Porphyric Hemophilia after being cured, a character can never become a vampire again without the use of a mod or the console. This is due to the fact that either method of being cured of the condition sets pcvampire and vampire.hasdisease to -1. Since you cannot have porphyric hemophilia twice at the same time, this value can never reach 1. Prior to being infected they are both set at 0 and this is what allows the transformation to take place. There are several mods that change this, and different ways of doing it via the Console.

Console Commands of Use

Console commands can be very useful when dealing with vampirism. The console can be used to infect you with vampirism, cure the disease, or simply fix your facial features. Below are some of the most useful console commands; More detail is provided in the Console Command Tutorial section Vampirism and the Console.

Curing Vampirism With the Console

Give yourself the Cure Vampirism potion by typing the following Console command:

player.additem 977E4 1

If you added vampirism with the console, you may also need to use the following commands:

Set PCVampire to -1
Set vampire.HasDisease to -1

These commands will also provide immunity to vampirism if you never wish to become one.

Oblivion Vampire Console Command

If the potion does not remove your abilities see the appropriate Console Command Tutorial Section.

Becoming a Vampire (Again)

In order to become a vampire again through being infected with Porphyric Hemophilia simply type the following into the console, Set PCVampire to 0 and Set vampire.hasdisease to 0. Thereafter you will be able to become a vampire through any of the normal means within the game.

Oblivion vampire console command guide

To infect yourself and become a vampire more immediately, enter the following commands into the console: Set PCVampire to 1 and Set vampire.hasdisease to 1. After you sleep or rest you will be at 25% vampirism the same as if you had been infected normally and waited 72 hours.

Fixing Facial Problems

Female players can fix their gender by using the Console to enter the command sexchange twice.

If this does not work as is the case with the bug where using the command sexchange will cause the head to disappear altogether instead of reverting to female, enter the command showracemenu into the console. Adjust your characters appearance to female and then save the game before hitting 'done'. Load the game you just saved, and your female pc will look female again.

Fixing Other Problems

If your vampire breaks (e.g. frozen progression, extra powers, infinite dream loop, etc.) it can usually be fixed by entering the following into the console:

Set PCVampire to 1
player.setav vampirism 25

After entering the above, feeding will reset your powers to 25% vampirism.

Vampire Nightmares

As you progress through the various levels of vampirism (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) you will have nightmares. The first nightmare you experience (changing from non-vampire to 25% vampirism) is always the same. At any other transition you will randomly experience one of ten possible nightmares:

  • First nightmare: You dream of someone sleeping peacefully in his bed, when a shadowy, gaunt figure silently enters the room. Approaching the bed, the figure leans down and sinks its fangs into the sleeping person. After a few moments, the pale figure rises, blood dripping down his/her chin. As color flows back into the vampire's face, and his/her features fill out, you recognize the face as your own. You awake screaming.
Random Nightmare Dream
#1 You dream of long days spent basking in the sunlight of your native lands. You feel the warmth and the heat, and feel your body become refreshed. Then you awaken, knowing it was but a dream.
#2 In your dream, you see a beautiful young woman holding an infant to her breast. It is only as you draw near that you realize that the woman is a desiccated corpse and the child is purple and bloated, dying of plague. As mother and child crumble to dust, you awaken.
#3 In your dream, an old wise-woman treats you for burns on your hands. As she applies a salve to your skin, you feel the tingle of magic as the pain begins to subside. But as you watch, the flesh of your hands begins to bubble, crack, and split, falling in chunks to the floor of her hut. As the wise-woman smiles, you wake up.
#4 In a dream from your childhood you remember playing hiding games with your young friends on a warm summer afternoon. You hide in your parents’ barn, sure you will not be found. Soon, the sweet smell of hay is replaced by a darker, sickly smell. You move deeper into the barn, only to stumble on the rotting corpses of your parents, their throats ripped out. You try to scream as your parents rise and pull you into an embrace.
#5 You dream of a sumptuous banquet spread out before you. You feast on a particularly choice cut of roasted meat, and its aroma makes your mouth water. It is only as you cut into the last portion that you see the larvae squirming inside. You cough blood as the larvae begin eating their way out of your stomach.
#6 You lay on your back, with a blissful feeling of peace swirling through your brain. Your every muscle is relaxed. There is no tension in any part of your body. You feel completely at ease. As your vision comes into focus, you notice others standing around you. As a man leans towards you, you recognize the robes of the Necromancer, and you see a glint of light from his scalpel as it begins to cut through your flesh.
#7 A warm, gentle breeze causes a tickle on your face, but as you go to brush it off, you find you cannot move your arms. Looking at your skin, you realize that it has turned to a brittle, green glass. Standing perfectly still, you breathe in shallow gulps of air, knowing that moving would cause your skin to shatter into thousands of pieces. The tickle on your face worsens, and you know that you are about to sneeze. As your skin shatters, you wake up sweating.
#8 In your dream, you open your eyes to a beautiful blue sky. The sun is bright, but you feel cool, even a bit damp. You draw a breath but begin to cough, as you expel blood and dirt that you’ve inhaled into your lungs. As you try to draw another, you see a shovel of dirt being emptied onto your face. The sunlight grows fainter as you view it through the soil that covers your body. You would scream, but your mouth fills with dirt before you can make a sound.
#9 In your dream, you approach a vampire ancient. Having just completed a perilous task for him, you swell with pride, sure that he will now bestow even greater power upon you. The entire clan’s eyes are upon you. Walking towards the dais where he stands, you realize that your task for him is actually unfinished, and that all of your vampiric powers have left you. You cry out as the clan descends upon you, and the ancient’s fangs rip into the flesh of your throat.
#10 You dream of walking through the cool night air. Your body cries for blood, having not fed for days. Weakly, you stumble to a small pool. As you bend down to it, you see that it is not water in the pool, but warm, fresh blood, steam rising off of it. You lower your head to drink, but cannot open your mouth. As you realize in horror that your lips have been sewn shut, a pair of cold, white hands reach out from the pool and draw you under.


  • It is important to remember that until you actually wait or rest, the changes won't be triggered. If you do not want the powers and bonuses of being a full vampire, then it's much better to use spells or potions to heal yourself, and fast travel around the map to consume time instead of waiting/resting. Although this will in theory allow you to prevent changes indefinitely, you will eventually need to rest in order to level up. In that case, the easiest thing to do is to go to an area frequented by beggars such as the Imperial Waterfront District. Wait in one hour successions until all your changes are complete, then feed on the sleeping beggars. This might be somewhat tedious in the length, though, especially fast traveling to pass time.
  • The attribute bonuses from vampirism behave similarly to attribute bonuses from birthsigns. For example, if you have 80 base Strength and full vampirism, your total Strength will be 100, and you will not be able to increase your Strength if you level up. However, if you feed before leveling, you will only have a +5 attribute bonus, allowing you to increase your base Strength. At 100% vampirism you can max out your Strength, Willpower and speed at 115. If you raise these attributes before becoming a vampire, then you can bring these to 120 at full vampirism.
  • If you are planning to become a vampire, one good race to choose is Dunmer, because the 75% Resist Fire will offset the vampire's weakness. Conversely, the Altmer is a race to avoid because of its extra 25% Weakness to Fire.
  • If you are concerned about your character's appearance, feed frequently so that you do not go past the first stage of vampirism. Your character's face will stay relatively normal, e.g., you will look nearly the same as you did before the vampirism. This can also be achieved by loading another save prior to loading the vampire save, (similar to the sexchange bug workaround, above) which results in the character's face being similar to their pre-vampire appearance, without any wrinkles or aging, but retaining the red eyes. After being cured, your face will lose the monkey-like features of the final stages of vampirism, but it will be wrinkled and withered, similar to signs of aging.
  • Eating Garlic actually does not harm you if you are a vampire. The only vampire affected by the substance is Vicente Valtieri. If he is carrying any garlic (he doesn't have to eat it), he is afflicted with Damage Strength 100pts, Damage Endurance 100pts, Weakness to Normal Weapons 100%, and Weakness to Magic 100%.
  • At 50% vampirism and above your character will actually begin to smoke when taking sun damage, though hardly noticeable. If you look close enough on a dark background you can see wisps of white smoke coming off your waist and shoulders. Your skin may also darken and return to pale while taking sun damage.
  • Hostile vampire NPCs (such as those found in abandoned forts, mines, caves, and Ayleid Ruins) will still attack vampire players.
  • Some of the vampire dreams are very similar to those experienced in Morrowind.


A female victim of the elderly male face bug
  • When loading a vampire character save from the main start screen, your character's face may be altered to the default face. Female vampires may have their face changed into that of an elderly male vampire (although the rest of the body remains female). To avoid this bug, load a non-vampire save from the main start screen, and then load your vampire character save from the in-game load menu. Alternatively, load the desired save, use the Console to add the cure (as detailed above), drink, then reload.
    • This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.
    • Female players can fix their gender by using the Console to enter the command sexchange twice.
    • You may fix this by completing the Cure for Vampirism quest, then reloading the game that you had just loaded. The character will be a vampire still, but be returned to female. If you save as the male version, the character might not change back.
  • The statue of your character in Bruma—which appears after the Great Gate quest has been completed—will always have the default face if your character is a vampire.
    • This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.
    • To prevent this, use the Console to remove just the appearance of vampirism (player.removespell 3DB3A) before you reenter Cloud Ruler Temple after the battle, and add it again once inside.
  • The counter for the incubation time is not reset after you cure yourself of Porphyric Hemophilia before becoming a vampire. The result is, next time you catch the disease you will have only 72 hours minus previous incubation time to cure yourself before becoming a vampire.
    • This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.
  • Advancing the base level of a skill past a perk breakpoint (25/50/75/100) while that skill is boosted by vampirism may prevent the perk dialog from being shown, e.g. if you have 25% vamprism (+5 Sneak) and your true Sneak skill is 49 (54 displayed) you will not be told about the perk when you next advance your Sneak skill.
  • If you equip both a bow and a shield, after feeding, you will be able to see the shield and bow equipped on your character at once (as opposed to seeing the bow and having the shield invisible, and not giving you an armor bonus). There are known cases where you will receive the armor bonus as well as having your bow equipped.
  • Occasionally, the feeding animation doesn't play and your character simply stands still. This does not influence your feeding. You will still receive the feeding message and you will go back to 25% vampirism.
  • Saving outside while taking sun damage then reloading will cause the game to crash and the save can no longer be used.
  • You might not become a vampire even when you sleep after three days or more.
  • If you are playing on the Playstation 3 Game of the Year Edition, you cannot cure vampirism. See the quest page for more details.
  • Occasionally, your vampirism level may increase the first time you wait, fast travel, or sleep after feeding, regardless of whether 24 hours have passed. See the talk page for more discussion. ?
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